Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Early Morning Notes from the Owlery

6:55 AM on my cellphone

My eyes hurt. I've kept them open for hours since last night when I came to Jeff's house to hang out around 6 which later rolled into a few hours spent with Andi, Marvin and Jeff (still) at Jickong's F. Torres drinking beer and smoking until 11 just so I could wear out the hours before the supposed bombing at the Fuji Xerox spot with DOOM by midnight. But Doom texted an hour before the drop-in that he was sick due to consecutive nights spent drinking. Apparently, we had to cancel our meeting.

The plan was we would meet at the spot by midnight. He'd bomb a wall at the decrepit Fuji Xerox bldg. just beside the wall previously blessed by UDON, another graff dude and Davao hometown boy who would have graced us his presence if he hadn't gone back to the States a few days ago. I really wanted to meet him because I've been spotting his tags from Bajada to Lanang a long time ago. When DOOM told me he was in town this Christmas and that they were planning to bomb a billboard along the Buhangin-Diversion Road, I prepared myself for the meet-up, video cam and all for a video-doc of their escapades and interviews. Well, unfortunately, that did not happen. But still, I kept my video cam ready for shooting DOOM's bombings, of which the Fuji Xerox would be the first planned docu target. But then, that too has yet to happen. DOOM is staying until January 7 so I hope we get to do it before he leaves for Manila.

So faced with a night of anti-climactic events (i.e. a cancelled plan + the option of going home, which I did not want to do because I did not want to spend for the fares and since most of my next day affairs would be in downtown where I was during that moment of consideration) I decided to stay awake and roam the streets of Davao City with Jeff (my willing accomplice) until daytime. I thought that not going home would save me money since I would no longer be paying for the back-and-forth fares. I thought I could wait for daybreak economically by just talking to Jeff. I was wrong.

I realized that in order to stay awake from midnight 'til daybreak, I have to have energy-boosters. And talking is not one of them. (Talking non-stop is an energy-depletor) The energy-boosters Jeff and I used for our stake-out were more than a pack of yosi (consumed at AVL), a Red Horse stallion for Jeff (consumed at MTS), a Mcdo Shake-Shake fries combo +a serving of large fries (consumed at Mcdo MTS and AVL), two cups of Dunkin Donut hot choco each (consumed on the steps of a beauty parlor beside DD Ilustre), and ultimately, an hour or more of spinning the WEB at this 24-hour Internet cafe shop in Ilustre which fortunately holds the cheapest Internet fee usage in town: a mere P5 per hour. So now, I am dangling by the last thread of my money, which is supposed to last me 'til next week. Yet despite being already broke, I am still sitting in this chair, typing away and consequently, tiring my eyes (which just defeats the purpose of my Web usage: to entertain myself so I could last till daybreak...well, I am still awake anyhow) because my mind is still reeling. Now that I think about it, it's not my eyes that is keeping me awake but my mind.

If you can see me right now, you'll see that I am not the owl with the large eyes and dilated pupils. I am a tired, chinky-eyed owl still forcing myself to stay awake so I could roll again by 8 AM. I have to meet Andi by 9AM at Ateneo High and then run several things after that before going home to Lasang hopefully by 1PM so I could get my hundred years sleep...I hope I could wake up on New Year's Eve and meet the New Year with large, bright eyes.

Oh, it's already 8 AM! Bless me.